Living, amenities and fitness
An architect is always very content when the task ahead is marked by a clear need for specific facilities. However, every undertaking should be governed by reason and the goal should be achieving an attractive end result. Safe bets should be avoided. The case in point refers to a location in the town of Kaštela, nearby Split. The building should include a branch office of a bank, internal recreational facilities, as well as bars/diners. Residential part should be seamlessly integrated with this commercial structure.
Below is a 3D rendering of ongoing project for a commercial and residential building of 1150m2 gross floor area.
The ground floor of the building will include a bank branch office, other commercial facilities and bars and diners. The basement will accommodate an indoor soccer facility.
The upper floors consists of modern apartments.
3D model of the building
Facade variants
Several variants of the facade were considered for this building and they are shown in the following gallery